6 Reasons Rubbing VCO on your skin may boost your immune system..
Disclaimer: Cocolicious is a food supplement registered with the FDA. Cocolicious is not a drug and should not be used as a drug to treat any disease or illness.
Pls consult your physician for any medical concern.
The information presented here is for information purposes only and for further study and reflection and should not be used to replace competent medical care.
For more insights on transdermal VCO use for immune boosting , pls read https://tinyurl.com/transdermalvco
For suggested way how to apply transdermal VCO for immune boosting, pls see https://tinyurl.com/vcorubskin
To understand the difference between VCO and MCT Oil, pls read https://tinyurl.com/vcomct
To learn more about the anti microbial features of VCO, pls read https://tinyurl.com/vcoantiviral
To read on how coconut oil was proven effective vs HIV, pls see https://tinyurl.com/vcohiv
To learn potential mechanism how VCO fights viruses like soap, https://tinyurl.com/soaplikevco
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Disclaimer: Contents of this article has not been evaluated nor approved by the Food and Drug Authority and is not meant to diagnose, treat nor cure illnesses or diseases but is for information purposes only. Please consult a qualified physician for an expert medical opinion.
References and for further reading, we recommend the following:
- Dipen Patel, Sunita A. Chaudhary1, Bhavesh Parmar1, Nikunj Bhura1, Transdermal Drug Delivery System: A System Review, Pharm Innovation, 2012 www. thepharmajournal.com
- Solanki, K., Matnani M. et. Al, Transcutaneous Absorption of Topically Massage Oils, Indian Pediatrics, 2005
- Hodgson, E. Textbook of Modern Toxicology, 2004, 3rd 2004
- Skobe M., Detmar, Structure, Function, Molecular Control of Skin Lymphatic System, Journal of Investigative Dermatology, Symposium proceedings, Dec 2000
- Amanda W.Lund, Terry R. Medler, Sancy A. Leachman and Lisa M. Coussens, Lymphatic vessels,inflammation,immunity in skin cancer, Cancer Discovery, Jan. 2016
- Randolph G., Miller N., Lymphatic Transport of HDL and Chlylomicrons, J. of Clinical Investigation, 2014
- The Potential of Coconut Oil and its Derivatives as Effective and Safe Antiviral Agents Against the Novel Coronavirus (nCoV-2019), 2020 January 31, F. Dayrit, Ph.D., M. Newport MD https://www.ateneo.edu/ls/sose/sose/news/research/potential-coconut-oil-and-its-derivatives-effective-and-safe-antiviral
- Pacheco, R,, Zipagan R. Can coconut oil work like soap?, https://tinuyrl.com/soaplikevco
- Pacheco, R. “Did you know that Filipino Scientists proved that Coconut Oil can work against the Deadly HIV virus?” https://tinyurl.com/vcohiv
- Grice, Elizabeth, Segre, Julia, The skin microbiome, NCBI, 2013
- Boma, L , Brugger S, Yosh B, Davies, S , Lemon N, Corynebacterium Accolens Releases Antipneumococcal Free Fatty Acids From Human Nostril and Skin Surface Triacylglycerols
- Pond SM, Tozer TN, First Pass Elimination: Basic Concepts& Clinical Significance, Clin Pharmacokint, Jan-Feb 1984
- Review: Lauric acid-rich medium-chain triglycerides can substitute for other oils in cooking applications and may have limited pathogenicity, McCarthy M, Dinicolantonio J., Open Heart, BMJ, 2016 July